Iconic image:Marilyn .
In this image Marlilyn performs herself as woman in the deemed correct and normal of the times. As sexy, sweet and beautiful for the enjoyement of the men.
In My performance, Don’t miss the opportunity to recognize the inspiring work of your colleagues,
I attempt at performing my gender and non gender ‘baddly’.
As well as working from Ryan Trecatin’s A family finds entertainment , I was also inspired by Ron Athey’s Self obliteration and Marina Abramovic’s Rythm .
From the Trecartin piece I liked the sound and visual effects that gave the video a dreamlike/ subcouncious stream like feel. I Also liked the juxtaposition of the hypertheatrical with the very real ( image of the cat / characters with very exagerated make up and exagerated actions). And I liked that the caracters performed their subjects in a non normative, abject, wrong kind of way. I tried to implement these in my performance but appart from performing badly I think I failed in everything else.